Black Beauty



The oddity that is Black Beauty began when cultivator George Bianchini supposedly rescued a plant from a raid on Oaksterdam University in Oakland, California. The grower’s college called it Purple Pineapple, a high-CBD cultivar. But somewhere along the way, Bianchini claims the plant began producing mild THC but no CBD. It does produce the rare cannabinoid THCV, leading to reported quick-acting, intense cerebral effects and physical relaxation.

Black Beauty is said to have a sweet, refreshing taste with pineapple and petroleum aromas.

Top reported effects

Top reported flavors

  • Earthy
  • Diesel
  • Grapefruit

Grow information

The purple ancestry shows in its blackish purple, trichome-covered buds.

According to Sensible Seeds, the strain is nearly balanced at 40% indica and 60% sativa. It can be grown indoors or outdoors and has a lengthy flowering time.

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